Out with the elephants: a day of grazing out on the dry grassy patch

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#Animal safari kids video, #Elephant for kids, #I Am A Kid, #Kids lesson video channel, #Kindergarten children learning video, #Real animal kids video

Video - Out with the elephants: a day of grazing out on the dry grassy patch Video produced by I Am A Kid. Subscribe on YouTube: https://goo.gl/6v7uXc Watch: https://youtu.be/4dm0-P46JCQ ---------------- Out with the elephants: a day of grazing out on the dry grassy patch. Subscribe to our channel and click the bell to turn the notifications on! Hello kids. Today we'll be following a herd of elephants as they graze through the day. Get excited kids. Let's see what we have today. This is a familiar setting: a forest. We all know that various kinds of animals live in the forest. Let's find out which one lives here. An elephant! We have a big elephant here grazing alone on a patch of grass. It looks like a hot and dry afternoon. There, we can see another elephant. The herd all seem to be grazing together. Can you see how long their tails are? The herd stays by the pool, grazing and when they get too hot, they'll go and have a drink. But for now, the herd will keep on grazing and enjoy the meal on this hot day. It's getting towards evening now and the herd tries to graze as much as they can before nightfall. Look, kids, those two seem to be playing. They're probably filled up with grass and have nothing else to do but play. So, kids, that's all for now. Let's hope the herd finds more grass when this one is done. We just saw a herd of elephants grazing out in a sunny day. It was fun, with some playing and others eating. And there was even a couple of young elephants! See you in another video of I’m a Kid. ---------------- You can always find Kids & Nursery learning videos on our channel and We would like to know your ideas through comments for future videos. The video is copyright protected, If you are an independent artist, organization or private company who would like to use our video for any purposes doesn’t hesitate to contact us. Subscribe to our channel for high-quality Kids & Nursery learning videos and latest updates. Subscribe link: https://goo.gl/6v7uXc ==================== Blog: https://ift.tt/2Dp4g3K https://ift.tt/2FyrlXR https://ift.tt/2FBE4ou ------------------------------ Facebook: https://ift.tt/2lwluWG ------------------------------ Twitter: https://t.co/46vBaPtDgt ------------------------------ Instagram: https://ift.tt/2FG2rkM ------------------------------ Google+: https://ift.tt/2Fx94tR ------------------------------ Pinterest: https://ift.tt/2DotCPo ------------------------------ Flicker: https://ift.tt/2GmoNcm ------------------------------ Slack: https://ift.tt/2FFrvJ2 ------------------------------ Contact or Submit your video to publish: simolabani95[at]gmail.com
