Amazing animals–Watching a trained seal perform some intelligent tricks

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Video - Amazing animals–watching a trained seal perform some intelligent tricks. Video produced by I Am A Kid. Subscribe on YouTube: Watch: --------------------- Amazing animals–watching a trained seal perform some intelligent tricks. Subscribe to our channel and click the bell to turn the notifications on! Hello kids. Today, we'll be watching a trained seal perform some tricks in the pool. Let's find out how brilliant this creature is. Kids, check this out. That's a seal; an animal that is a really good swimmer. That man is his instructor. Seals are very intelligent animals. Let's watch what tricks he can do. Seals love to eat fish. Look at this: the instructor blows a whistle and throws a fish into the pool, the seal hears the whistle and dives in for the fish. Now the instructor has blown a whistle to call up the seal. As we can see, the seal is getting on that platform. Wow, just look at that! Kids, can you see those blue things in the instructor's hand? Those are rings and the seal is going to use them for tricks. Let's watch. Look at that, the seal catches the rings with its head just as the instructor throws it. That's smart! The seal is back from the water and now he puts the rings back on the floor after catching all of them. Look now, the instructor wants him to climb on the platform again. Let's see what the seal will do this time. Off they go again: the instructor throws the rings and, as before, the seal catches them beautifully. And back in the pool, it goes. Now the instructor has a ball with him. Let us see what they want to do with it. Just take a look at how the seal catches the ball. The instructor bounces the ball up to the seal and he catches it with his mouth. That's amazing. Now, watch carefully kids, the instructor is with a bigger ring this time and he's close to the pool. Let's see what happens. The seal swims and jumps through the bigger ring. That's incredible! The instructor throws more fish into the pool and the seal goes for it. It obviously loves the fish. The seal reaches up to the instructor and he pats it and gives it a fish. The seal goes up the slide and dowwwwn it goes. That looks like fun. That certainly deserves a round of applause. Up the slide, it goes again, this time with a ring in its mind, and down into the pool. Do you now see why the seal is a great swimmer? What are they doing right now? The seal is leaping out of the water and trying to catch something. Let's watch and see if he succeeds. He did it this time! That was not easy, kids. This seal is well trained. The man tells us that all these seal needs are love and care and he will be willing to do the training. That was incredible, wasn't it? The seal knows quite a number of amazing tricks and it was willing to show it to us. See you in another video of I’m a Kid for more fun animals. --------------------- You can always find Kids & Nursery learning videos on our channel and We would like to know your ideas through comments for future videos. The video is copyright protected, If you are an independent artist, organization or private company who would like to use our video for any purposes doesn’t hesitate to contact us. Subscribe to our channel for high-quality Kids & Nursery learning videos and latest updates. Subscribe link: ==================== Blog: ------------------------------ Facebook: ------------------------------ Twitter: ------------------------------ Instagram: ------------------------------ Google+: ------------------------------ Pinterest: ------------------------------ Flicker: ------------------------------ Slack: ------------------------------ Contact or Submit your video to publish: simolabani95[at]
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#Animal safari kids video, #Elephant for kids, #I Am A Kid, #Kids lesson video channel, #Kindergarten children learning video, #Real animal kids video
Video - Amazing animals–watching a trained seal perform some intelligent tricks. Video produced by I Am A Kid. Subscribe on YouTube: Watch: --------------------- Amazing animals–watching a trained seal perform some intelligent tricks. Subscribe to our channel and click the bell to turn the notifications on! Hello kids. Today, we'll be watching a trained seal perform some tricks in the pool. Let's find out how brilliant this creature is. Kids, check this out. That's a seal; an animal that is a really good swimmer. That man is his instructor. Seals are very intelligent animals. Let's watch what tricks he can do. Seals love to eat fish. Look at this: the instructor blows a whistle and throws a fish into the pool, the seal hears the whistle and dives in for the fish. Now the instructor has blown a whistle to call up the seal. As we can see, the seal is getting on that platform. Wow, just look at that! Kids, can you see those blue things in the instructor's hand? Those are rings and the seal is going to use them for tricks. Let's watch. Look at that, the seal catches the rings with its head just as the instructor throws it. That's smart! The seal is back from the water and now he puts the rings back on the floor after catching all of them. Look now, the instructor wants him to climb on the platform again. Let's see what the seal will do this time. Off they go again: the instructor throws the rings and, as before, the seal catches them beautifully. And back in the pool, it goes. Now the instructor has a ball with him. Let us see what they want to do with it. Just take a look at how the seal catches the ball. The instructor bounces the ball up to the seal and he catches it with his mouth. That's amazing. Now, watch carefully kids, the instructor is with a bigger ring this time and he's close to the pool. Let's see what happens. The seal swims and jumps through the bigger ring. That's incredible! The instructor throws more fish into the pool and the seal goes for it. It obviously loves the fish. The seal reaches up to the instructor and he pats it and gives it a fish. The seal goes up the slide and dowwwwn it goes. That looks like fun. That certainly deserves a round of applause. Up the slide, it goes again, this time with a ring in its mind, and down into the pool. Do you now see why the seal is a great swimmer? What are they doing right now? The seal is leaping out of the water and trying to catch something. Let's watch and see if he succeeds. He did it this time! That was not easy, kids. This seal is well trained. The man tells us that all these seal needs are love and care and he will be willing to do the training. That was incredible, wasn't it? The seal knows quite a number of amazing tricks and it was willing to show it to us. See you in another video of I’m a Kid for more fun animals. --------------------- You can always find Kids & Nursery learning videos on our channel and We would like to know your ideas through comments for future videos. The video is copyright protected, If you are an independent artist, organization or private company who would like to use our video for any purposes doesn’t hesitate to contact us. Subscribe to our channel for high-quality Kids & Nursery learning videos and latest updates. Subscribe link: ==================== Blog: ------------------------------ Facebook: ------------------------------ Twitter: ------------------------------ Instagram: ------------------------------ Google+: ------------------------------ Pinterest: ------------------------------ Flicker: ------------------------------ Slack: ------------------------------ Contact or Submit your video to publish: simolabani95[at]
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