Moving ALONG WITH A HERD OF ELEPHANTS; feeding time with the herd

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Video - Moving ALONG WITH A HERD OF ELEPHANTS; feeding time with the herd. Video produced by I Am A Kid. Subscribe on YouTube: Watch: --------------------- Moving ALONG WITH A HERD OF ELEPHANTS; feeding time with the herd. Subscribe to our channel and click the bell to turn the notifications on! HEY THERE KIDS, Today we'll be watching a herd of elephants as they move around and feed on the grasses and leaves from branches. Come on! Let's not miss it! There's a herd of elephants. They all look happy. They are enjoying the green grass all around them. And now off they go. They're moving around to reach the grass on the other side. You can see that elephant using its trunk to pick at the grass. Here they are again. Did you know that the elephant's trunk has muscles in them, which is why they are able to lift heavy objects and pluck out the grass? There's a little elephant walking beside its mother. Elephants are able to stretch their trunks high up and reach for leaves on tree branches. It's feeding time and all the elephants seem busy with their own grass. It's a herd so the elephants will all eat in the same place. This is why you can see all of them around here now. Take a look at this little one with its tiny trunk. One day it will grow big and strong, just like the rest. Kids, do you know what that big elephant is doing? That's right. She's feeding the young one. The mother elephant plucks some grass with her strong trunk and feeds it to her young one. The young elephants depend on the bigger ones for food and protection. The herd will care for them until they are grown. And so the elephants move on slowly, just as they eat the grass. Once the grass gets finished they'll all move to another site. There are more than five elephants in this herd. This herd has quite a lot of young ones. Now the herd wants to move on. Wow, kids! Can you see those really big elephants? In every herd, there are the big elephants who are in charge. They give orders and tell the herd when it's time to leave. Like now. The elephants have moved to another area now. There seems to be more grass over here. See that? This elephant reaches for the branch up and cuts the leaves from it using its trunk. The elephants cut the grass and shake it around to remove dirt and things they do not want it. The bigger elephants are able to reach for higher branches because they have longer trunks. The elephants are all following each other; they're moving along now. That's a lot of leaves for one elephant. But it's a really big elephant. Off they go now, kids. Say goodbye to them. That was interesting, the way the elephants move about in an organized manner. See you in another video of I’m a Kid, so we can learn more about the herd. --------------------- You can always find Kids & Nursery learning videos on our channel and We would like to know your ideas through comments for future videos. The video is copyright protected, If you are an independent artist, organization or private company who would like to use our video for any purposes doesn’t hesitate to contact us. Subscribe to our channel for high-quality Kids & Nursery learning videos and latest updates. Subscribe link: ==================== Blog: ------------------------------ Facebook: ------------------------------ Twitter: ------------------------------ Instagram: ------------------------------ Google+: ------------------------------ Pinterest: ------------------------------ Flicker: ------------------------------ Slack: ------------------------------ Contact or Submit your video to publish: simolabani95[at]
